About us


To provide long-term (short-term) social care and accommodation services, independent living at home as well as social skills development and maintenance services for adult residents of Vilnius with mental and complex disabilities, as it is specified in the Catalogue of Social Services approved by the order No. A1-93 On the Approval of the Catalogue of Social Services of the Minister of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania dated 5th of April 2006, ensuring the satisfaction of a person’s diverse needs and interests, meeting of psychological, social, cultural and spiritual needs of each resident of the institution, ensuring their choice to implement personal interests, self-expression, creating possibilities to promote and facilitate the integration into the society.



  • The institution was established under the decision No. 3 of Vilniaus City Council on 16th of January 1992 regarding the Establishment of Residential Care Home Vilties namai in Vilnius, Rulikiškių St. 44. It was the first attempt to establish a new type of residential home for people with mental disability in Lithuania.


We provide long-term (short-term) social care and accommodation services, independent living at home as well as social skills development and maintenance services.

Our value

  • Respect for human dignity and rights
  • Person  centered
  • Empowerment
  • Openness
  • Cooperation
  • Improvement

Our vision

Disabled person living with dignity by creating conditions to be involved and actively participate in social life, fostering common values and applying innovations as well as striving for continuous improvement.

Services are provided to residents and members of the Vilnius city community

Services provided

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Institution News

Kaip mes (iš) gyvenome per karantiną

Karantinas buvo neįprastas laikotarpis visiems žmonėms Lietuvoje. Kiekvienas susidūrėme su įvairiausiais iššūkiais, išgyvenimais ir patyrimais, tačiau taip pat ir su galimybėmis bei atradimais. Socialinė darbuotoja Alina Šukevič parengė straipsnį apie Savarankiško gyvenimo namų gyventojų...



PARTNERSHIP IS COOL!Valakampiai Social Support Facility is implementing EQUASS (The European Quality in Social Services) and actively reviewing all its areas of activity, improving it and preparing new documents.While preparing the description for the...

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Our contacts

Rukeliškių g. 44,
LT-1010 Vilnius
I-IV 7:00 – 14:45  12:30 – 16:00 
V 7:00 – 11:45  12:30 – 14:45

Drop us a line